jakarta kota derita

JAkarta KotA deRiTA
one of my friend told me that...pertamanya gw pikir, engga juga, tapi setelah ditimbang (ternyata berat) dan dipikir (wich i seldom do) emang juga...secara gw jauh jauh dari Bandung pindah ke Jakarta, untuk yang namanya kerja, terus udah kerja jadi kuli, cucunguk perusahaan gede, then i know good is never enough you have to be outstanding and maintain that if you want your carrier smooth, naek dan dari plat merah berubah jadi plat item...
tapi gw tau gw mesti bertahan, supaya gw ga jadi pengecut...bapaku bilang if you find a challenge, you have two choice you fight or you fly, if you fly then you will become a LOOSER and if you fight you will become a Winner someday...
hope i'll be the winner..then I'll fight with every streght, muscle, and tissue that i have...and before i become lunatic fighter, i have to end up this posting and come home..
well life is about choice, you have to decide your own life path....